With our roll out of the 2023.2 release, we have added keys for all document categories and key IDs for all documents. Initially, all document categories have a migrated Key of "MIG" followed by a numbering sequence with all documents in these categories having Key IDs to match the category key. These key IDs can be updated via the Help Desk on a one-time basis. Please email the Help Desk at help@zenqms.com for assistance. 


Requesting key changes via the Help Desk

To complete this request, please follow the steps outlined below:


All document categories will need to be changed from the "MIG" migrated key on the client's end. Please do this first. If you need a report of your current document categories and their corresponding key IDs, please request this report through the Help Desk.


After updating the document categories, submit a Help Desk ticket requesting the template to update document key IDs.


On the provided template, add a column next to the current key ID column and title it New Key ID. Enter the new key IDs that you wish to have configured for each document:

new key id.png


All Key IDs must match the document category key. For example, if a document category's key is "FORM", all key IDs for documents in this category will need to start with "FORM" followed by a number.


Accepted examples: FORM-12035, FORM-205, FORM-101

Not accepted examples: FORM-SOP-123, FORM-012, FORM-142A


These are not excepted examples because letters can not be added after the Key (FORM-SOP-123), leading zeros are not permitted (FORM-012), and letters can not be added after the numbering (FORM-142A)


Skipping numbers is permitted. The key ID numbering does not need to go in numerical order. Just note that the next number available after the latest number was assigned will be the next key ID number for a document added to this category.


For example, the next key-ID number for a document that will be assigned to the "Training Documents" category will be "TRAIN-2506" as "TRAIN-2505" was the last key ID used in this category:



Once all the information is filled in on the Excel file, please submit a help Desk ticket with the file attached to request the updates to the Key IDs.


Please see the example completed file below that would be sent to the Help Desk:

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