To access the Issues Module Full Table, navigate to the Issues Module from the Main Dashboard:



Once on the Issues Module Dashboard, from the dropdown, select Issues: Full Table:

issues full table.jpeg


The Issues Full Table can by customized by selecting the (+) in the upper left corner. You can add/remove data columns for your table view:

issues 1.png


The Issues Full Table can be filtered by category from the All Categories dropdown:

issues cat.png



Issues Full Table Features



1. Add custom fields that are configured for an Issue Category (once the category is selected from the dropdown) to the Full Table view


2. Save Table Views


3. Use the Advanced Filter Feature


4. Export Table: The Full Table or current table view can be exported by clicking on the Export button and you can then choose whether you want a CSV or Excel.  Once downloaded it will go to your My Downloads.  This document will remain in the My Downloads tab for 30 days.  You can access your My Downloads folder by clicking on the green plus at the top of the page.







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