Phase Overview
Phase #4 of the migration focuses on prepping the Production environment for go-live. By the end of this phase, you will be ready for go-live. To complete Phase #4, review all phases that were completed on the migration template to see if any last changes need to be made. Once you have reviewed Phases #1-3 on the template, email the updated, finalized migration template with your company name and current date in the subject line to your Project Manager.
Production Migration: Template Review
Tasks: Please complete a thorough review of all phase data that you have entered before sending the finalized migration template to your Project Manager. All migration phase videos are below for your reference.
ZenQMS Implementation Process Overview
Phase #1:
Phase #1: Users, Roles/Groups, & Permissions
Phase #1: Migration Template Permissions Chart Overview
Phase #1: Validation - Users, Roles/Groups, & Permissions
Phase #2:
Phase #2: Document Category Settings, Documents, Category Workflows, Category Users, Custom Fields
Phase #3:
Phase #3: Training Records, Courses, Course Documents, Course Assignments
Phase #3: Validation - Training Records, Courses, Course Documents, Course Assignments
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