Note: Users need the permission "Account: Custom Fields" to create/edit account custom fields.


Account custom fields can be used in Users Table, Issues, and Change Control modules. These custom fields are managed under the Settings:


Select Custom Fields:

custom fields.png

Creating A New Account Custom Field

Click the Create button:

custom fields.png

The Field Editor will slide in from the right side of your browser. Fill in information:

custom fields.png

1. Name/Label: Name the field


2. Abbreviation: Give it an abbreviation


3. Description: Provide a brief description of what the field represents.


4. Select a type:


  • Single Select: user can choose one value out of a dropdown list. To add the values click on the "+" icon next to "choices" or you can import a list, you can also choose to have them alphabetically sorted.
  • Multiple Selection: user can choose multiple values from a list. See above for adding values
  • Yes/No: provides Yes or No values
  • Single Line of Text: user has limited characters that will fit in a single row
  • Paragraph Text: users can write our multiple rows of text
  • Paragraph Text with Formatting: user will have a text box that has basic word formatting options as well as the ability to import
  • Integer: user will answer with a whole number
  • Decimal: user can use a decimal in the number
  • Date: user will complete the field with a date chosen from a calendar
  • Website: user can insert a website, that can be opened by clicking on the URL icon


5. Required: the ability to make the field required, please note that if an account custom field is set to required, it will always be required every time that it is used in an Issue/Change Control Category and Users Table.



Editing An Existing Account Custom Field

In order to edit an existing custom field you would need to click on the name of the custom field. Then you can edit/add/change any of the values.


Note: The "Type" field will not be editable. If a new type is required, you will need to create a new account custom field.



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